The Carers Partnership Thematic is an inter agency cross-Organisational space to discuss all things Carer and Young Carer related.
We also have Carers who attend and link into Carers and those they look after in terms of engagement, involvement, and co-production.
We also have at times a related Providers Group around Contracting, Commissioning, and funding opportunities. In one form or another, the Carers Partnership has existed for approximately 30 years. We have regular briefings/presentations from System Leads as well as sharing key information on national issues, policy, and developments via our links to Carers Trust and Carers UK.
We welcome new members, be they from Organisations or Carers themselves.
1. To raise awareness of Carers and their needs.
2. To work in partnerships across the Statutory and Voluntary Secor.
3. To support the co-production, forming and delivery of the Carers Strategies for the county.
4. To share good practice, innovation, and learning.
5. To keep members up to date with national and local developments and initiatives.
6. To promote engagement, involvement, and co-production with Carers and those they look after.
1. Carers Strategy co-production work.
2. Carers Survey and associated learning.
3. Seeing Carers Support Model for the county win a National Health Service Journal Award and areas of work highlighted as models of good practice with NHS England
1. Supporting Carers Strategy delivery and implementation.
2. Alignment work around key strategies e.g., Carers Strategy/End of Life Strategy/Dementia Strategy. Also linking Carers Support into transformation work such as Ageing Well and Urgent and Emergency Care Transformation.
3. Core work around the developing landscape of national initiatives around Carers.
4. Some joint sessions with other thematics.
See attached HSJ Support Model for Northamptonshire
Mark Major Chair markm@northamptonshire-carers.org
Jenny Osborne Partnership Support and Admin Jennyo@northamptonshire-carers.org